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The Cypress Museum Jefferson, Texas​


2 twisting boxes are used to discriminate 3 different kinds of functional spaces: museum, sawmill, and boat-shop; the movement is about interacting with these 3 different uses spaces but not interference.The skin of the building is also
iconic suggest the usage of the interior space; the wooden grid skin covering the interior space of the museum, transparent material furnishing the facade of sawmill let people easily to read the activities, boat-shop with deck space for lunching new boats.




​Winnepeg Art Gallery

Winnipeg, Canada


The idea of our project stems from a simple question: where does the material for the artwork come from? At the beginning of summer when the Arctic ice cracks and melts away, the Inuit artists wade through the shallow waters in search of the perfect few stones to carve for the upcoming year. Imagine tilting this plane of water upright. Our facade is a transformed version of the top of the water. The sculptures are a  transformed version of the rough stones. Since the water also provides the only timber north of the treeline, we think of the architecture as a small wave that has lifted stones and driftwood off the Arctic floor - stones and wood suspended in water.


Africa Promised Village



The concept of the design is to generate a modular system to be sustainable for the future development of the Africa villages. The continuous roof system fabricated by bamboo provides not only shadings but also an opportunity of collecting rain water during the rain season. The roof girder will channel the rain water to the underground sink, and people can store the water for aggregations and daily use.To help local people to improve their living skills and be able self-supported economically is the primary goal of the village design.

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